What Our Team is Doing
Providing Shelter to those with no home.
We have opened our churches in Adana, Yuregir, and Mersin as shelters for those who have no place to stay. They are provided with food and beds. We have times of praise and prayer, and we try to minister to their hearts. On average, we have 50 people coming to our churches.
Distributing Food
Every night 3 teams go out to 2 cities to distribute soup, sandwiches, and blankets. By distributing food, contacts are made, and they are invited to prayer times and share about Jesus.
Helping Relocate those arriving
We are connecting with people arriving from the affected cities and staying with relatives. We are providing them with beds, blankets, food, and heaters.
Translating for foreign rescue teams
Helping relocate people to Ankara
In coordination with "Puente" and the Kurtuluş Church, we are helping the victims to leave the affected cities to find help in Ankara.
Transportation for people and medicine
A Minibus has been made available to carry food, medicines, or whatever is needed and bring people to Adana or Mersin together with the coordination of Puente and the Kurtuluş church.
Helping Affected believers
Help the affected believers with food and supplies. Beds have been brought in from a refuge place in Ankara.
Sending Supplies to Ceyhan
We have one believer from our church in Ceyhan and we are in contact with him trying to help with supplies.