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Update on Mission Impact

After completing Vision 2020 in 2019, where Crossover Global established 2,000 churches among unreached people groups, we began to focus our attention on our current ministry phase, Mission Impact. Through Mission Impact, Crossover Global seeks to plant 4,000 brand new multiplying churches among unreached people groups by the end of 2024. As of today, we have planted 1,592 churches toward our goal of Mission Impact. Building on the previous 2,000 churches, we have planted a cumulative total of 3,592 churches.

mustard seed field

In northern India, as you drive from one city to another, you can see vast fields of mustard plants. The beautiful yellow flowers remind us of the Lord Jesus’ parable in Matthew 13.

Mission Impact sees the first 2,000 churches planted as “mustard seeds.” By maturing the previous 2,000 churches planted, we guarantee a long-term Kingdom advancement. Simultaneously, we will continue to deploy pioneering church planters to start 2,000 new churches among unreached people groups.

We firmly believe in Jesus’ promise that He will build His Church, and nothing will stop Him. Therefore, humbly, we position our team to be used by Jesus to advance His Kingdom among those who have yet to hear the Good News.

Over the last two and half years, we have been focused on the following goals in order to fulfill Mission Impact:

  1. Send workers - Jesus taught us to pray for the Lord of the harvest to send more workers into His harvest field. Currently, Crossover Global has 209 teammates from 33 different nationalities. We seek to grow the team to a total of 400 global staff members by 2024.

  2. Multiply Leaders - We prepare and coach our pioneer church planters to equip new workers and send them out as quickly as possible. As part of Mission Impact, we have trained 2,043 church planters who serve as part of local church planting networks, that we helped start in several countries. These national church planters open their homes every week to welcome believers from their cities and towns. We seek to equip an additional 1,957 church planters and leaders by the end of 2024.

  3. Increase Capacity - Crossover Global has committed to do ministry with not a “from the West to the rest” but “from the reached to the unreached” mentality. In the last 33 years, we have added three other ministry bases around the globe — Brazil (1996), Caucasus (2017), and Central Asia (2019). This cross-cultural dynamic helps us accomplish more for the expansion of the Kingdom of God than we could separately. In 2020 we added a fifth base in South Asia. Just this past March, we celebrated the opening of this base and the potential it has to reach millions of unreached living throughout this region. We seek to start three additional ministry bases to increase our capacity for operation and strategic coordination.

  4. Develop Sustainability - In order to combine the needs of access in restricted areas and protect Kingdom work from unhealthy financial dependency, in the coming years, we seek to start at least four supporting entities. These supporting entities will give governmental legitimacy for our church planters to gain access to restricted areas and develop self-sustaining ways to conduct their ministry.

  5. Prioritize Access - Spiritual needs are everywhere, but access to the gospel is not! Crossover Global has prioritized the necessity of Gospel access among unreached people groups as the critical problem to address. Over the last two and a half years, we have seen the Lord use Crossover Global to plant churches among 233 unreached people groups (UPGs) around the globe. Of those 233, five of them are unengaged, unreached (UUPGs)— that is, people groups who currently have no believers, no churches, and no Bibles. Our goal was to have work among four UUPGs. Although we have reached this goal, we continue to seek new UUPGS to reach with the gospel.

We believe an activated church is the hope of the world! Therefore, church planting becomes the most efficient and effective way to finish the task of the Great Commission. We are praying that these 4,000 brand new churches we seek to plant will become local points of Gospel access where, today, there is currently no access.

african woman smiling


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