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Pray for our Strategic Initiatives

Updated: Oct 10, 2023

This month, we want to highlight our Strategic Initiatives. When there are many projects with a common or similar culture, language, and context, they are grouped under what we call a Strategic Initiative. Each initiative has a coordinator whose primary focus is to give oversight to a specific initiative, giving the church planting activity a more coordinated effort.

Below, you will find a map highlighting our Strategic Initiatives and prayer requests shared by each of our coordinators. You can join us in praying for the church planting efforts through these initiatives.

If you would like to learn more about our initiatives, you can click here to watch a video that explains further about this important aspect of how we seek to provide gospel access to the unreached

Prayer Requests

  • Azerbaijani: Pray for job opportunities for the believers and the growth of the church.

  • Caucasus: There is a significant need for new workers in this region. Pray the Lord would send workers to the harvest.

  • Central Asian: Several believers are being persecuted by their family and friends. Pray for these brothers and sisters to endure.

  • Ganges: Pray for the equipping of new mentors for 1,700 churches that have been established in this region.

  • H20: We have new church planting projects in this region. Pray for the leaders and the safety of those attending.

  • Himalayan: Pray for the provision and spiritual growth of the believers.

  • Indonesian: Pray for the house churches to continue growing in faith and numbers.

  • Levant: Our leaders in this region have faced many challenges. Pray for the equipping and health of this region's church leaders and believers.

  • Maghreb: Pray for peace in the region and the growth and equipping of new believers and church planters.

  • Sahel: War has been impacting Sudan. Ask the Lord to stop the war and for strength for pastors and leaders to serve faithfully.

  • Turkish: Pray for the Church planting efforts beginning in Macedonia and the ongoing work among the earthquake victims.

  • Urdu: Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance among the West Bengal church network.


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