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Heavenly Adoption in the Himalayas

Life as an orphan is sure not an easy one. Not having parents or home and facing many difficulties and struggles as a kid is undoubtedly very difficult. This is the story of a young orphan named Sabina, who, together with her brother, came to faith in the Himalayas.

Sabina's testimony

One day, Nabin Sharma, one of our church planters in the Himalayan Initiative, during his door-to-door evangelism, meets a 17-year-old girl. Her name was Sabina Tamang. She was wearing some worn-out clothes, and she had a very distressed face. She was hopeless and with a lot of pain in her heart.

During his conversation with Sabina, Nabin learned that she had lost her father at a very young age when she was around six years old. He had problems with alcohol and died of alcohol poisoning. After her father's passing, Sabina’s mother married another man and abandoned Sabina and her older brother (who is only one year older than her), leaving them on their own in a small hut.

It was now two kids, six and seven years old, alone, with no parents or relatives to look after them. Sometimes they were hungry, but no one was there to feed them. Sometimes they cried because they were scared, but no one was there to wipe their tears or to bring them comfort. There was never anyone to hear their cry or to hug them, recalls Sabina.

Sabina and her brother

Some months passed, and fortunately, their aunt (her father’s sister), who was already married, came to them and took them to her house to look after them.

Her aunt and uncle belonged to a very rigid religious family. As they stayed with them, Sabina and her brother were allowed to return to school and continue their academic education.

Sabina’s brother, with time, decided to become a monk and study Lama since they were part of a Buddhist family. As her brother carried on his studies to become a monk, he began talking with the spirits of other dead Lamas (monks) and ended up living in the cemeteries.

Soon, his life was under the dominion of demonic spirits, and thus, he started to behave in a very odd manner.

Later the same spirits that controlled her brother started to torment Sabina. Like her brother, she began to see dead people every night in her dreams. As a result, she developed a heart problem. Her heart and soul were now under the grip of an evil spirit. She had no peace and lived in constant fear and loneliness. All she longed for was to find deliverance, love, and peace.

‘‘She had no peace and lived in constant fear and loneliness. All she longed for was to find deliverance, love, and peace."
Young buddhist man

After learning everything Sabina and her brother have been through and all their struggles, Nabin preached the gospel to her. He shared about God’s eternal love, peace, and truth. As he shared the Good News with her, the Holy Spirit led her to acknowledge Jesus Christ as the true God. So she gave her life to Jesus and accepted him as her savior.

Eventually, not only Sabina got to know Jesus, but her brother, after hearing the gospel, also decided to follow Jesus and leave behind his old practices.

Both of them have found true love, true care, and a faithful Father who looks after them in Jesus because he loved them so much.

Sabina, her brother, and her now sister-in-law have moved back to their old house, and as of today, they live peacefully. Those days of no sleep, fear, and torment are in the past. Sabina is now close to finishing high school and has been praying to become a nurse. What is more exciting is that now there is a new house church led by Nabin at a small house in Sabina’s village.

himalayan village

As you read this story, please pray for the house church planted there. Pray for Sabina and her family, and pray for Nabin as he leads the house church and continues to do door-to-door evangelism.

This testimony was shared by our teammates from the Himalayan Initiative.


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