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For the Sake of His Name: Part 2

The first component of our DNA — and of a missional theology of the Bible — is the “doxological” motivation for missions: "Crossover Global passionately seeks to glorify God…” Doxa is a Greek word which means “glory.” Something that is doxological is by nature intended to “give glory.” Our motivation, and our passion, is to glorify God! This is what drives us. We believe and revel in the profound reality that God “chose us in [Christ] before the creation of the world… in accordance with his pleasure and will — to the praise of his glorious grace… in order that we… might BE for the praise of his glory.” (Eph. 1:4,5,12, NIV; emphases added).

As God’s children, we have one primary calling and identity: we are worshippers! We exist for the praise of God’s glory in all areas of life. God designed us to be worshipers and the DNA He implanted in us determines that we should be internally motivated to declare, exalt and praise the name of Jesus.

"God designed us to be worshipers and the DNA He implanted in us determines that we should be internally motivated to declare, exalt and praise the name of Jesus".

Psalm 96 functions both as a spotlight on this doxological motivation as well as a magnifying glass. Verses three and four are especially illuminating: “Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples. For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods."

As worshipers, we want to glorify God the way He intends. This means that while we deeply desire to glorify Him in all areas of life, we are also passionate about glorifying Him among all peoples of the world. It’s the “imperative privilege” of verse three: “Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.” So in addition to our internal DNA motivation (we exist for His glory; it’s what we were made for), we now may add another motivation to our list (God commands us to speak of His glory, to glorify Him) and another “location” (among all peoples).

But why should we care so deeply about the glory of God in all areas of life and among all peoples of the world? The reason is clear in verse four: “because great is the Lord and most worthy of praise!” The glorious God who created the universe and extends salvation through Jesus Christ is worthy to be proclaimed, known, and worshiped by people from all ethnic groups, now and forever! His WORTH is our primary driving, and doxological motivation. In Crossover’s case, it’s what drives us to plant multiplying churches among unreached peoples, and that’s the DNA component we’ll unpack next time.

João Mordomo


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